
Great news - theINmag is released quarterly! That’s every three months. Order theINmag to have a printed copy delivered to your letterbox.

Schools & Libraries

Thinking digital?

At theINmag, we partner with a third-party company to bring our digital single issues and subscriptions to schools and families. When you buy a digital copy of theINmag, you can access it on up to five different devices. This means everyone in your family, or your guided groups, can enjoy theINmag together!

For Schools & Libraries

Welcome to theINmag’s order form for schools and libraries! Can you feel the excitement?
Staff can order individual copies or grab a subscription.
We release a new issue quarterly - one for every school term!

Order Form

Using theINmag…

theINmag is filled with kid-created, curriculum-linked content from all over Australia. It is a well-designed resource to utilise in classrooms and libraries, as it features high-quality work samples from students of all levels. Empower students to learn from other kids, engage in deep thinking and create their own content! We’re all about activating student voice and agency, and increasing engagement levels.

How can you utilise theINmag in your setting? Will it be read in classrooms and libraries? Will teachers use it in planning to support and complement lessons? Can kids can borrow it from the library to create their own content at home? Oh, there are so many options!

All four or eight issue subscription, will begin the latest issue of theINmag, unless you request differently.

So, if you're looking for a premium quality, engaging, educational magazine, order theINmag for your learning space!

Fill out the form to receive an invoice from a friendly member of theINmag team. We’ll package your order and send it out, pronto!

Retail Stockists

Are you looking to stock theINmag in your store? Send us an email at and we will get back to you. We look forward to having a chat.